OCIAN – Checking the noise quality

OCIAN – objective classification of instationary annoying noises - squeaking, rattling, groaning or cracking in a noise orchestra with background noises, as it is typical with street excitation. More

ZoundLab – Vibra acoustic sound measurement testing system

Vibra acoustic sound measurement testing system, which acquires, analyses and evaluate vibration and sound signals and is therefore ideal for monitoring machine processes. More

The new, extremely silent family of noise free shakers – SAREX (Squeak And Rattle Exciter)

Noise excitation is very important for checking the noise quality of vehicle components or complete vehicles. We measure stress scenarios at a reasonable price and with competence for any vehicle component. More

Checks of functional noise in production, in-line or off-line

Functional noise is generated when components are moved by motor ...wobble, crackle, squeal, stall, rustle.... More